Grocery Rebate Bill (C-46) 2024: What is Canada’s New Grocery Rebate Bill? Check New Eligibility

Written byPraveen Singh

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Grocery Rebate Bill (C-46): The government of Canada introduced the Grocery Rebate Bill (C-46) to the citizens of the state. The New Grocery Rebate Bill has already received the Royal Assent. It is a financial relief to the citizens of Canada who need it the most during the high inflation situation. The Grocery Rebate Bill will strengthen public health care with a CHT top-up of $2 Billion (Canada Health Transfer). It reduces the wait times and backlogs and also helps pediatric hospitals and emergency rooms.

It is a one-time payment which will be delivered to millions of low, modest and no-income families. The officials will provide relief to beneficiaries through cheques and direct bank deposits. Canada Revenue Agency will be responsible for providing the amount to the beneficiaries’ accounts. Scroll down the page and get updates on the Canada Grocery Rebate Bill (C-46), Eligibility Criteria and others.

Grocery Rebate Bill (C-46)

The government introduced the C-46 Rebate due to an increment in inflation. Everything was getting expensive and the local public was having difficulties in fulfilling basic needs and adjusting their spending accordingly. It is a way of government to make things a little easier for the citizens of the nation. The Grocery Rebate Bill commenced in 2023. The officials issued the rebate on 5th July 2023, alongside the July 2023 quarterly GST/HST credit payment.

The amount provided under the Grocery Rebate was equivalent to double the GST/HST credit amount beneficiaries received for January 2023.

Grocery Rebate Bill (C-46): What is Canada's New Grocery Rebate Bill? Check New Eligibility

Canada New Grocery Rebate Bill New Eligibility Criteria

The officials will provide payment to beneficiaries who have fulfilled all the eligibility conditions mentioned on the official website. The requirements are similar to the eligibility needed for the GST/ HST benefits. Below are the conditions elaborated on in detail:

  • Individuals should be residents of Canada for income tax purposes at the start of the month in which the CRA is making the payment.
  • Individuals should be at least 19 years old in the month before the Canada Revenue Agency offers the quarterly payment.
  • Individuals who are under 19 years old, must fulfill at least one of the below-mentioned conditions during the same period:
    • Applicants must have (or had) a spouse or common-law partner.
    • The applicant is or was a parent and lived (or used to live) with his/her child.

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Grocery Rebate Bill (C-46) Payment Details

The concerned authority calculates the amount of the offered Canada Grocery Rebate Bill based on the respective family situation and the adjusted net income of the same in the respective year. Beneficiaries can receive the maximum payment of up to:

If the beneficiaries are single:

Type of BeneficiaryPayment Amount
No children$234
With 1 child$387
With 2 children$467
With 3 children$548
With 4 children$628

If beneficiaries are married or had a common-law partner:

Type of BeneficiaryPayment Amount
No children$306
With 1 child$387
With 2 children$467
With 3 children$548
With 4 children$628

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Frequently Asked Questions

When will the officials release the Grocery Rebate Bill?
The officials started issuing the Grocery Rebate Bill on 5th July 2023 to the eligible beneficiaries. So, the officials are expected to release the same on 5th July 2024.

How will the beneficiaries get the C-46 payment?
There are two methods of payment available i.e., direct deposit and cheque. The cheque is provided through post which takes longer than the direct deposit to get delivered. Under the direct deposit, beneficiaries receive the payment within two to three business days.

27 thoughts on “Grocery Rebate Bill (C-46) 2024: What is Canada’s New Grocery Rebate Bill? Check New Eligibility”

  1. Taxes are done why do we have too apply for it we should just get it into our accounts it is bs we have to apply when our taxes are done typical government

  2. Yes you don’t have to apply for it! You have already tax on the CRA ! When you are payed for the GST and HST! Aren’t we receiving it with the GST and HST with grocery Rebate?

  3. Believing is I see the money in my Account, for Trudeau and the CRA it’s always the Talk and NEVER the walk’🤔😡😡😡😡😡😡💰💰🇨🇦

  4. Why is it that only low income earners get any help what so ever. My family and I have not qualified for any money from the government ever. The middle class foots the bill for all this free money, but reaps not one reward. Who is gonna pay back all this money they are giving away? The middle class that’s who. We are hit just as hard as everyone else. But no one gives a crap. They just keep standing there with their hand out, waiting for money to fall in their lap. And it’s likely that it will fall in their lap. With no payback or consequences or concerns about how that money is going to be paid back. They should be spending money on infrastructure, most all our bridges, tunnels, roads, and hyways need serious upgrades and repairs. Soon they will see all these things will fail, causing harm. Lastly funding should be spent on our education system, the enviroment and taking care of the elderly, so as to not cause harm to them and provide a higher standard of care. So what happened with covid will never cause harm again. These things benefit everyone not just a priveledged few. As it should be.

  5. why is this benefit obly for married and common law individuals??? The benefit shoukd have been given to All…we are all suffering from INFLATION PRICING!!! qe all can use the help… this government is oblivious to the hardships of canandian as they sit up there on their rich asses!!! This Government is incomopetent. Canadians deserve better treatment for our loyalty to this countey and the countless people who work to mske this country function. Major changes are needed..thats for sure!!!

  6. I’m pretty certain you have to apply. I didn’t receive it last year or the housing benefit because I could access my CRA “My Account”

  7. For your information not all of us lower income people have our hands out for free money government or otherwise, some of us are vets or solders coming back home with very little to live on or disabled people whom suffer low incomes for differnt reasons, not all of us should be judged based off of the sole fact we have low incomes, You don’t know our situations nor should u assume that you do…. And till you walk a mile in our shoes you should keep your mouths shut…. But I do agree certain amounts should be going where it is needed most, vets, elderly, disabled, children’s hospitals, hospitals in general, roads and bridges…. but be focused on what the priorities are and should be….Rant Over….ty for reading xx

  8. No, you don’t have to apply for the grocery rebate. It comes automatically with the gst. And why is the lady from the middle class complaining about not getting the rebate. Does she not get that a single senior living just on a pension can’t afford the high cost of groceries?

  9. They talk about the amount of methane cattle put into the atmosphere, the BS that comes out of the Liberal Government’s mouth every day is ten fold. The best thing Trudeau could do for climate change is shut TFU and quit polluting the air we breathe. They continue to announce all these benefits but I never see them and my monthly income is $1890. Thankfully I don’t have anyone that I have to support. All I know is that if this so called grocery benefit doesn’t come with the GST payment as announced my inner WOLF is going on the war path.

  10. The site did say you have to apply. Read it again.
    I feel for seniors who don’t have cra account or even a cell phone or computer. There are so much money available only for peopke who know technology. To me that’s discrimination.

  11. Hi I never received any groceries rebate July 5 direct deposit CRA there full of it I’m.on disability sure could use it

  12. Hi I live in Windsor Ontario and it’s myself and I also feed four others even though they’re animals but they still do eat and require an income they’re by emotional support I’m a victim of violent crime repeated rates meetings torture for six and a half 7 years and then after that ended up homeless for a year and a half with two of my babies my other two babies were stolen from me for a year and a half and finally received them back last a year ago December my allotted income is 260 per month which brings me up to around 4,800 per year that’s it this grocery rebate would be great once a month for people like me you say the poverty line is 26,000 for a single what am I 4800 per year I’m below the poverty line and then because I’m a victim I need to have access to the internet and a phone in case I need to get a hold of security or in case something happens because I’m paranoid to leave my apartment now that in itself is $100 per month help in Windsor Ontario crying and desperate thank you

  13. For the person that said they did not receive the Grocery rebate on July 5th,…may I suggest you wait until the 5th of July before you post a rant.

  14. Well it says a single person gets $234 but my GST is $160 and they are giving me $75 so it’s NOT Double GST they lie to us always

  15. Wow….some of the things people think about disabled people is ….. ignorant ?!

    Or lower income people… like they all just wait for a handout? Alot of disabled have jobs, and do it better than most, many people didn’t ask for it, they were born that way, and others also have a story….

  16. Jane: Do you think the Conservatives would give you Grocery money.? The Conservatives are for the rich people and the business people. They give the business people tax breaks. When President Regan was in office in the USA low income people were feeding their babies with Chocolate Quick and water.

  17. Groceries should not be as expensive as they are. If they would smarten the fuck up and lower fuel costs there would be no need for a grocery rebate. It’s a crock my bill for a family of 5 has doubled and don’t buy half the stuff I used to. The bare necessities it’s sad when you have to eat less to feed your kids. This economy is shit and we need to take it back. There are so many that are struggling and loosing there houses and can’t pay for everything that they did 2 years ago. It makes me sick.

  18. Everyone should get it not just low income people. The price of groceries went up for EVERYONE. The cost of living is ridiculous for everyone Unless you are single a bring home at least $80-$100k. I’m talking bring home not before taxes cause everyone knows Mr fricking Trudeau gets almost half of everyone’s pay🤬

  19. Zoe
    You should think before you speak!
    The people that are on disability do not choose this for themselves.

    I would love To be normal like you !
    Be careful what you wish for.
    If you get both of your arms and legs broken when you got hit by a drunk driver and your left with a brain injury……
    I would give you my check in a minute if we could change places


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Canada Grocery Rebate Bill 2024: Who Qualifies?