The New Capital Gains Tax Changes in Canada – Check Current Vs Changes

Written byPraveen Singh

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The New Capital Gains Tax Changes in Canada: The Federal Government of Canada has proposed New Capital Gains Tax Changes in Canada. These changes have been introduced under the 2024 Budget. Canada’s new capital gains tax changes have received different reactions from finance experts and the Canadian public. The government of Canada has proposed an increment in the inclusion rate of capital gains.

The New Capital Gains Tax Changes in Canada will increase from 50 to 66.7% from 25th June 2024 onwards. This increment will be implemented to any profits whose amount is more than $250,000 for eligible people only. Please note that there will be a new inclusion rate without a limit of $250,000 for corporations.

Two-thirds of the beneficiaries’ profit will be taxable income instead of just half. The following article provides information regarding the changes to the Canada Capital Gains Inclusion Rate, its impact on people, and more.

The New Capital Gains Tax Changes in Canada - Check Current Vs Changes

New Capital Gains Tax Changes in Canada

Before knowing more details about Canadian Capital Gains Tax Changes, it is important to understand the meaning of capital gains. So capital gain is the profit that a person makes after selling a valuable asset. When a person sells some value such as stocks, bonds, cryptocurrencies and other investments and the selling price is higher than the buying price, the profit which is made through it is known as capital gains.

Currently, when the people of Canada make a profit by selling a valuable asset for more than its buying price, half of the profit is counted as taxable income. In other words, applicants pay taxes to the federal government on 50 per cent of their capital gains. From 25th June 2024 onwards, the government has made the New Capital Gains Tax Changes in Canada.

The rate will hike from 55 to 66.7% for the profit whose price is more than 250,000 CAD, they will count 2/3rd of the profit as taxable income. However, these changes will be applied to the corporation’s or trust’s capital gains on or before 25th June 2024. There will be different effects on individuals.

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How will the changes in capital gains taxation affect individuals?

An individual taxpayer should also see the effect that The New Capital Gains Tax Changes in Canada will have on them. They will continue paying the tax on only 50% of the capital upto $250,000 even after 25th June 2024. If the capital gain crosses the limit of $250,000 then those individuals will have to pay taxes according to new changes made by the government of Canada. Below are the points elaborating on the effect which will take place before and after 25th June 2024:

  • Before June 25, 2024: There will be no changes in the rules for an individual taxpayer. They will have to pay tax on 50 per cent of the capital gains of up to $250,000.
  • After June 25, 2024: The officials will apply new capital gains taxation rules. While individuals will continue to pay taxes on 50 per cent of the capital gains of up to $250,000. Anything beyond the mentioned amount will be taxed at 66.7 per cent.

Proposed Capital Gains Tax Effects on the Estate Plans

Under the Budget for the 2024 tax year, officials have not provided any clarification regarding the exception for capital gains upon death, and reviewing the estate plan is essential. Currently, if a taxpayer dies, all his valuable belongings, such as bonds, stocks, and other investments, are sold at market value.

The same leads to capital gains taxes which is called deemed disposition. If these changes come into effect then the officials might increase the taxes on deemed disposition as well. Individuals should reassess their estate plans depending on the higher tax burden upon death.  

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Frequently Asked Questions

What can be done to minimise losses due to New Capital Gains Tax Changes in Canada?
Individuals could sell the assets on or before 25 June 2024. They can also hold their investments in a registered account like RESP or RRSP. Individuals can also claim a capital loss to offset the capital gains, as no taxes need to be paid on losses.

Who will be mostly affected by the new capital gains tax changes in Canada?
The new capital gains inclusion rate will mostly affect active investors or corporations who get capital gains regularly. However, it will also affect individuals, business owners, homeowners, trusts, and corporations.

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